What's New/Recent Updates 6/11/2002 - Updated Store with more DVDs and 007's Domain Brand Merchandise! 5/14/2002 - Updated sounds page with some music from Didi Chow. 5/12/2002 - Lots of things going on in the Bond World! News updates have been added recently and more will certainly come soon! Lots of little things were fixed and more of that will come soon too! 1/19/2002 - Changed Question of the Week, more changes to come soon! 4/1/2001 - Dead links on the Sounds Page no more! :) 1/22/2001 - Updated various dead links, more updates to come! 10/8/2000 - New Top Sites Page! 10/1/2000 - Fixed some dead images. New Design to come soon! 8/7/2000 - 007's Domain now has an official Bond 20 News Correspondent! Everyone should welcome Daniel Sykes to 007's Domain :) 7/10/2000 - Added many new sounds to the Sound/Music Page thanks to Peter Celani! 7/1/2000 - Sorry for the lack of updates, not much new going on in the Bond World. This update was just some minor fixes to some pages. 6/3/2000 - Updated sounds page. 5/16/2000 - Updated Store Section of the site, added news pictures to Pictures Page. 5/7/2000 - Updated main page and added members to Banner Exchange. I also added a new Question of the Week (finally :) 4/19/2000 - Sorry about the lack of updates, there hasn't been much going on in the Bond World lately. I am going on vacation tomorrow, and I will not be back until 5/1/2000. I will try to get internet access there so I could check my email, but in case I do not do this, I will answer all my emails when I come back. 3/29/2000 - Added banners back on. No annoying pop-ups though. This site costs money to run, so I have to have at least enough to pay for the web-hosting. The banners are not intrusive. To Support 007's Domain, please click on them. 3/17/2000 - Added a "Mugs, T-Shirts, Gifts, etc..." Section to the store. 3/15/2000 - The site has been down for almost a week but now it is fully functional once again. On the good side, the site was moved to a faster server than before. 2/24/2000 - Changed the cgi script for the search feature. 2/18/2000 - Now you can pre-order TWINE here! 2/16/2000 - Minor spelling and other technical changes. 2/7/2000 - Changed the HTML Linking code for 007's Domain. 2/6/2000 - New 007's Domain Logo (Thanks to Michael Deeg) 1/28/2000 - Added new posters to the store! 1/19/2000 - Added search feature. 1/14/2000 - Added a review of On Her Majesty's Secret Service. 1/12/2000 - Today is my birthday, yay! Today I added a new Yahoo!-like links page. 1/9/2000 - Added a link and 2 pictures. 1/8/2000 - Added new pictures to the pictures page, thanks to Michael Deeg. 1/7/2000 - www.007sdomain.com is now officially open for business! No more ads, new features and more! 1/1/2000 - Well, it's 2000 and 007's Domain has got through without a glitch! Today, I changed the Question Of The Week! 12/28/99 - A Brand New Images Page! 12/26/99 - Happy Holidays, everyone!!! Today I added the random text and current time feature to the top of every page! 12/24/99 - Updated format of news page. 12/22/99 - Changed the navigation around (alphabetized the links). 12/21/99 - Added a review of GoldenEye 64. I am still very upset because of Desmond Llewelyn's death. 12/19/99 - Changed message board but that is not important, today is a very sad day for Bond fans. Today Desmond Llewelyn (Q) died because of a head on car crash. He was 85 year old. 12/16/99 - Added a link to the links page. 12/14/99 - Changed the layout and style of news page. Now it is a lot easier to add news, plus other people can add articles too. Also added review and info of From Russia With Love. 12/12/99 - Changed layout of main page, added a Reviews/Filmography page. Now you can submit your own reviews to 007's Domain! 12/10/99 - Added the TWINE Midi, changed looks of Sounds/Music Page, added a review of the TND Game. 12/9/99 - Changed the look of the site a little bit. 12/6/99 - Minor changes to style of site. 12/5/99 - Added a review of Live and Let Die. Also added all the lyrics to every Bond Movie Theme song, all thanks to Greg!!! 12/4/99 - Added a review and the footer with some additional info about 007's Domain. 12/3/99 - Updated the Trivia Question Of The Week Question a little bit (not the actual question itself though). 12/2/99 - The reviews keep rolling in, thanks to Greg! Now there is an A View To A Kill Review up! Also added a new discussion mailing list and an easier join form for it. 12/1/99 - Added another review of GoldenEye done by our co-editor, Greg Hudson. Thanks, Greg! 11/25/99 - Added a link and a new Question of the Week. 007's Domain has been selected as one of the top seven 007 sites on the net by The James Bond Warehouse! Also added a new custom cgi guestbook because the old one didn't seem to be working. I had a lot of good entries on the old one which brings back a lot of good memories so I am sad to see it go. Changed the site design a little. 11/23/99 - Instead of just having a GoldenEye64 page, I have created a games page that includes cheat codes for James Bond 007 (Gameboy), Tomorrow Never Dies (Playstation), and of course GoldenEye64 (Nintendo64). 11/21/99 - HUGE Update! Added 2 new reviews (Licence To Kill Review thanks to the new co-editor of 007's Domain, Greg Hudson). Added a new poll too! 1/19/99 - Added two more posters to the store. I saw TWINE today. Tomorrow I will add the reviews for TWINE and LTK! 11/17/99 - Added a posters section to the store. 11/12/99 - Added Free E-Mail Service! 11/11/99 - Added a link to the links page. 11/8/99 - Rearranged Sounds Page and added some more midis to it. 11/5/99 - Added some new soundtracks to the Bond Store! 11/3/99 - On October 31, this website turned 2 years old! Today I made some small technical changes to the message board and the top navigation! 10/30/99 - Added another link to the links page and fixed the Question of the Week. Only one more day until this web site's second birthday. 10/27/99 - Changed some broken links and changed the Question of the Week. 10/23/99 - Added another link and updated cars page. 10/15/99 - Added a link to the links page. 10/14/99 - Added TWINE Soundtrack to store. I now have almost daily updates on my news page but I won't mention that on this page. 10/7/99 - Added my own news page. 10/3/99 - Added a Top 100 James Bond Sites Page. Anyone is welcome to join (anyone that has a Bond site that is). 10/1/99 - I have finished the Music Section of the Store. It has all the Bond Soundtracks currently available and some extra Bond CD's! 9/20/99 - Changed Question of the Week (thanks to DallasFan) and fixed some HTML errors. 9/16/99 - Added a Java IRC Chat on the website and a web rings page, enjoy! 9/14/99 - Added the 007 Store (only audio for now) and I added a 007 News Section (a link to the news not actually a page of my creation). 9/8/99 - Store still in the works, added a privacy statement. Fixed some misspellings! 9/4/99 - I am getting ready to add the 007 Store (In association with Amazon.com), you will be able to buy 007 books, videos, audio cd's and more through Amazon.com at this website! A part of the profit from this will go into making 007's Domain better and giving the site more resources (domain name, no ads, etc...) 8/31/99 - Added a link to the Yahoo! Club of James Bond! 8/30/99 - Added two new links. 8/21/99 - Changed the navigation. 8/20/99 - New Message Board (CGI, finally), Minor appearance change, hope everyone likes it! 8/19/99 - Added 2 new links! 8/9/99 - Changed the Question of the Week, added a new link! 7/30/99 - Fixed a dead link. 7/29/99 - My 007's Domain Theme has won the Theme of the Day award for July 30, 1999! Download my theme now! 7/26/99 - Added a lot of new sounds! Thanks to Mike Manley! 7/21/99 - Sorry for the lack of updates. I lost my html editor because I got a new PC but now I have it back. This is just a minor update that fixes some visual bugs but more updates are to come! 6/19/99 - *MAJOR UPDATE* Added 2 new links, changed navigation and added a files page! 5/19/99 - Changed the Question of the Week. 4/25/99 - Added 2 new links and I found out who submitted me the Question of the Week. Thanks, Felix Umansky! 4/3/99 - Changed from Frontpage Message Board to a WWWBoard. 4/2/99 - Joined the LE Exchange. Thinking of a new Question of the Week 4/1/99 - Added another link. The 007 Archives are back up! 3/25/99 - Added one more link and fixed the Question of the Week. 3/24/99 - Added one link, new question of the week, someone finally got the old one right! I will add more tomorrow, sorry no time today. 3/3/99 - Added a link to the Official Site for The World Is Not Enough. 2/27/99 - Added a GoldenEye Review and Info Page. Sorry for the lack of updates, I promise that more will come soon. 1/24/99 - Updated GoldenEye Page. Added established sign. Hoping to get my domain soon. Maybe no add hosting too. 1/2/99 - Added new Question Of The Week. 12/15/98 - Added GoldenEye 007 (N64) Cheats Page. 11/29/98 - Updated many pages including Links and Sounds Page. A special thanks to Mark Eggens for help with the site. I appreciate it! 11/26/98 - Added review for TND. More reviews to films to come. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 11/18/98 - Small update. Sounds page updated. Excite search form should look fine on Netscape now. Main page updated. It has been confirmed by Pierce Brosnan that the next 007 Movie (Bond 19) will be named The World Is Not Enough. I am hoping to put up a preliminary 007 Women page up soon. 11/1/98 - Wow, big update. Every page updated, new question of the week and many small updates. More updates to come soon. 10/31/98 - I fixed up the guestbook today. More importantly today is the sites first birthday!!! It has been a great first year and I hope my site will have many even greater years to come. 10/17/98 - Added link to vote my site for a Starting Point Hot Site. 10/14/98 - Added Navigation for my non-frames users. BTW the update was really on the thirteenth but I don't like that number so I just put the fourteenth. I am thinking of upgrading to add-free hosting but I need some money, I may also get a domain (www.007site.com?). 10/7/98 - Added "Real" Audio to my James Bond Theme. Before it was in RealAudio format but you had to download the file to play it. Now it "streams". 10/7/98 - Added a link to The James Bond Webpage (Unofficial) - I wonder where the owner of this site got the idea of the name is his site? (Psst... the old name of my site (which I changed to 007's Domain) but I really don't care because I did change the name ) :-) 10/6/98 - Added this Update Page. Added 3 Midi Files to Sounds Page (including TND midi). Fixed up Images Page. October 31, 1998 is the 1st Anniversary of this Site! More updates to come soon. You Are The
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